Conference Schedule

Bethel AME Church under the leadership of our Bishop Reginald T. Jackson, and Presiding Elders Rev. Johnny R. Calhoun, and Rev. Wanda E. London— Pastor - Rev. Patrick D. Clayborn, Ph.D. and First Lady, Rev. Dr. Sheri Smith Clayborn , is pleased to host the 209th Meeting of the Baltimore Annual Conference. Click below to download and review a copy of the schedule for the week — April 1 -April 4

Health & Safety Reminder

We do not have a strict COVID protocol in place, but as we are in cold and flu season—and with COVID still present—please be mindful that any large gathering carries some risk.


Masks are not required, but if you have underlying conditions or concerns, we recommend keeping one on hand. A limited supply of masks will be available on-site.

Thank you for prioritizing your health and the well-being of others!


If you are experiencing unexplained headaches, fever or other possible Covid-related symptoms, please take your rest and join us online @ www.Bethel1.org or the 2nd District FB page.


Directions & Parking


Bethel AME Church is located in the heart of the Marble Hill and Upton Communities. Being a GOOD Neighbor by respecting and meeting the needs of the people who live in our area is of utmost importance. Please review the map for designated BAC parking areas, restricted areas, handicap parking, handicap accessibility and VIP pass parking. If you require VIP parking - please indicate so by filling out the Event / Service Logistics Form.  VIP passes are limited.


The scheduled rehearsals for the Baltimore Annual Conference Choir are attached below with locations and times.  The rehearsals last for 2 hours. Please know that the  dates are subject to change depending on attendance. We will certainly keep you posted on any changes.



We're excited to have you join us for the 209th Session of the Baltimore Annual Conference . Click to see what sessions and services will be streamed live to the public. 


The stream will be hosted on the 2nd Episcopal District's Facebook Page. 






We are excited to have you join us for the 209th Baltimore Annual Conference For answers to the most Frequently Asked Questions please click the button above.