Beyond Project : Bethel Bus

Part of our outreach efforst include helping our low mobility members and members who periodially need rides - get the transportation they need to and from church, and church events. You can help us by joining us to raise the $75,000 we need for a brand new 15-passenger bus for the church. Bethel members are making pledges. No amount is too small.  You can make a donation online and mark it for the "Beyond Bus Projects", or drop it in the offering plate.  “…..  I will not sacrifice to the Lord my God offerings that cost me nothing.”   2 Samuel 24:24 NIV   Thank you in advance. 


         April 2018

We reached our goal! We were able to raise the fund needed to purchase the bus. We are now working to get the bus wrapped and branded with the Bethel AME Logo. God is good and Bethel Members are faithful!

****NEED A RIDE?****

If you are without transportation and interested in a getting a ride to Worship services on Sunday,

please call the church at 410-523-4273  ext 222 to leave a message with your name, address, date of the worship service you wish to attend and your best contact number.